Hey! I want to apologize for not writing in a while. I bought a baby. By baby I mean.... A BRAND NEW DELL INSPIRON 15 7000 GAMING LAPTOP! This is is a big deal, because anyone who knows me knows that I am a hardcore saver and I don't go out and spend nearly $1000 … Continue reading MY NEW BABY

What Does Freedom Bring?

  According to Merriam Webster, freedom is defined as primarily “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” and is secondarily “a political right”. Americans are raised to bleed red, white, and blue, while sticking to the over-familiar, deep-rooted ideology. Because the United States of America was founded with the endowed principle … Continue reading What Does Freedom Bring?

We need to talk and here’s 13 Reasons Why.

"Hannah Baker here, loud and in stereo..." (13 Reasons Why) The Netflix Series "13 Reasons Why" premiered on the streaming site as of March 31, 2017 (in celebration of Jay Asher's 10 year old publication) and though it is barely a week old, the Netflix show has taken over social media and classroom discussions everywhere... WHICH … Continue reading We need to talk and here’s 13 Reasons Why.

I have unearthed from my cozy rock.

I'm sorry for my hiatus, but sometimes its better to be under the rock, than having it thrown at you.  Recently, I have found myself at worn down that the stone Tuck talked about in Tuck Everlasting. I'm embedded in a flowing river and the everlasting current has worn my edges. I'm not sure if … Continue reading I have unearthed from my cozy rock.